Final goal of the project is to cover 100% of the town's electricity consumption with carbon neutral and renewable energy sources produced in the town itself.
Part of this is the increase of knowledge, acceptance and interest as well as capability of private and public funding of renewable energy systems.
At this point there are 7 completed photovoltaic systems and more in the planning to be realized in the upcoming months and years.
Here you can find informations on the Italian feed-in tariff policy from the GSE and a fact sheet on Renewable Energy in Italy by the European Commission.
• Status: data gathering in progress, estimated covering ca. 30% of the town's energy demand
• PV installation partner:
100% use of carbon neutral and renewable energy sources for water and space heating purposes (e.g. solar thermal energy, wood, wood pellets).
By now the town already uses wood as well as wood pellet and a few solar thermal systems. The rest of the heating energy is provided by oil and gas.
• Number of installed solar thermal systems: 4
• Number of biomass heating systems: data gathering in progress
• Main solar thermal collector supplying partner:
Energy efficiency
Installing energy efficient heating systems, taking actions to improve insulation in existing buildings and reducing and optimizing the town's electricity consumption.
One of these optimization plans is the replacement of the street lights with LED.
• Status: data gathering in progress